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pottermore quiz all questions login
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Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions)
Hogwarts Sorting – All Pottermore Questions
Hogwarts Sorting – All Pottermore Questions. Have you taken the Pottermore Hogwarts sorting test multiple times and gotten different results? Do you want to know in which house you really belong? The Pottermore test randomly chooses seven out of 28 possible questions. Here I have compiled all of the questions so as to allow for the most …
Pottermore Quiz: Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz | Do the test
Take the full Pottermore house quiz to accurately determine your Hogwarts house. Try to answer every question as truthfully as possible. The Pottermore quiz does not only decide to which house you belong to by answering the questions, no. The quiz also takes into account how long you decide on each question.
Extended Patronus Quiz
Extended Patronus Quiz with all possible questions. This extended version of the Pottermore Patronus Quiz takes into account every single quiz question in order to determine your match for each patronus. Click here for an explanation to the Patronus quiz.. Answers in each question group belong to one of 2 or 3 categories.
Pottermore Wand Quiz. 100% Accurate Harry Potter Wand Test
Our Pottermore Wand Quiz connects the dots to provide you with an accurate result. So, it bonds your personality with a wand with the most relatable backstory. Disclaimer. NBCUniversal owns the rights to all the images used in the Harry Potter Wand Test. Questions of the quiz. Question 1 It is your first day at Hogwarts. Do you like to make any …
Full Pottermore Sorting Quiz –
All questions come from the Pottermore website, which sadly doesn’t have a sorting quiz right now. I’ve done my best to weight the questions accurately. If you’d like more information about the quiz go here:
Pottermore Patronus Quiz. Find Your 100% True Magical Animal
However, the original test (aka Pottermore Patronus Quiz) is not the only questionary on the internet. Several websites used Rowling’s idea to create similar quizzes as well. But the primary purpose of all of them is the same, determining your magical animal.
Pottermore Quizzes – Quotev
Find out which Hogwarts house you belong to. The new Sorting Hat IS on the Pottermore website, and you can also get a wand, so go do it. This is the original, older version of the Pottermore quiz, with the same
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