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SafeSchools programs are accessed through district-specific urls that are unique to each customer; users can not log in via this website. To receive your district’s unique url, please contact your district’s SafeSchools administrator, or our Client Success Management Team at [email protected]…
Diversity and inclusion courses, powered by DiversityEdu, are now available through the SafeSchools Training System for High School Students and K-12 Teachers and Staff. The courses are proven to increase inclusive language, attitudes, and behaviors and help prepare students and staff for successful engagement with diversity.
Public Business Meeting 1.19.20; Program of Studies; COVID District Letter 1.5.21; Full Remote District 12.15.20; Fort Lee Girls Recreation Basketball League
Online Safety Training Courses What makes the SafeSchools Online Staff Training System so unique is that every course is written by a leading school safety expert, so you can trust that you’re providing high-quality, relevant training. Our comprehensive National Course Library includes hundreds of online courses on a variety of important school safety topics. We […]
Unlike other providers, we haven’t repurposed manufacturing-oriented solutions, so every SafeSchools program fits your unique safety and compliance needs! Our customers who have implemented our solutions well have seen a meaningful reduction in injuries and losses, resulting in …
Free SafeSchools Training available St. Lucie County Schools is using Safe Schools TM .com to offer training courses online for your convenience. Follow these easy steps to complete your St. Lucie County Schools safe ty training:
The School District of Lee County. 2855 Colonial Blvd, Fort Myers, FL 33966 Phone: 239.334.1102 TTD/TTY: 239.335.1512. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.
Our SafeSchools Online Training System completely automates your staff and student training, so you can give everyone the essential knowledge they need to be better prepared and protected at school. Access high quality courses on important safety topics by leading experts, in one convenient online system, saving you valuable time and money.[PDF]
Title: �� Author: �� Subject: �� Keywords: �� Created Date: 7/15/2017 5:16:23 PM[PDF]…
1 2017-18 2855 Colonial Boulevard Fort Myers, Florida 33966
SafeSchools Training videos are mandatory for Lee County School employees and must be completed before noted deadlines. How Do I Login? Username = (first initial)(last initial)(last four digits of your Social Security Number) Letters are a ll lower case . Example: mt1234 .
The Office of Safe Schools serves as a central repository for best practices, training standards and compliance oversight in all matters regarding school safety and security. Our mission is to support districts in providing a safe learning environment for students and educators.[PDF] Requirement Safe Schools FY 2016-2017.pdf
S UBSTITUTE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR RETURNING SUBSTITUTES & NEW HIRE SUBSTITUTES Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Prevention Fire Extinguisher Safety Hazard Communications (Right to Understand)GHS Safety Data Sheets (GHS)
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