All the information related to pskreporter login has been given in this article. In which all the links are verified and useful. By reading this post you can reach your useful link.
pskreporter login
Check and access the link below. We have checked all the links and provided in the list.
More monitors from other parts of the world would be much appreciated. To enable reporting in DM780, you need to go to the ‘Tools’ menu item, and then select the ‘PSK Reporter’ option. This will open a dialog box, and you just check the ‘send updates’ checkbox, and you are done. – Your Digital Mode Automatic Propagation …
The PSKreporter system gathers receive data from as many active amateur radio stations as possible. With this data, users can compare propagation conditions on different bands, estimate the transmitting station’s signal range, or check the receiving characteristics of a station’s antenna.
Activity (Map view) –
This map shows all activ monitors, marked with a colored pin. Each band has its own color and you can see where it is on earth day or night. For more information about the receiving station please click the pins.
PSK-Reporter – Wikipedia
PSK-Reporter (geschrieben auch: PSKreporter, englisch PSK reporter) ist eine frei zugängliche und kostenfreie Website für Funkamateure. Sie stellt aktuelle Empfangsberichte von Amateurfunk – Sendungen auf einer Weltkarte dar.
PSKReporter Viewer – VK4ADC…
The signal reports you see from PSKreporter can be seen as a style of statistics – if everyone’s report is low then statistically your station is not doing well (assuming propagation exists) but if say 50% are reasonably high, then it is likely the ‘lower 50%’ whose stations are not quite up to spec.
PSK-Reporter – DARC
PSK31-Reporter. PSK31 – Wo werden meine Signale gehört? Der PSK-Reporter verrät es uns! Hier klicken:
HF Signal Propagation PSK Reporter , PSK/JT65/FT-8/CW/JT9–reporter-pskjt65ft-8cwjt9
PSK Automatic Propagation Reporter. This started out as a project to automatically gather reception records of PSK activity and then make those records available in near realtime to interested parties — typically the amateur who initiated the communication. The way that it works is that many amateurs will run a client that will monitor … – FUNKWELT – HB9HJI / Spion75 Hinterlassen Sie eine Antwort. Heute habe ich mir die Webseite angesehen, den Tipp habe ich von HB9EIZ dem Markus bekommen, herzlichen Dank in dieser Stelle. Die Seite wird von WSJT-X mit Daten gefüttert, somit kann ich prüfen welche Stationen mein Signal empfangen haben.
psk reporter download windows 10 | PSKreporter client …
The PSKreporter system gathers receive data from as many active amateur radio stations as possible. With this data, users can compare propagation conditions on different bands, estimate the transmitting station’s signal range, or check the receiving characteristics of a …
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